4 Reasons Solar Energy Is Growing in Popularity

For the past several years, we've seen a newfound emphasis put on sustainability and green energy. Solar energy is on the minds of many people, providing a clean form of energy that isn't harmful or detrimental to our environment. Are you curious about why so many home and business owners are investing in solar solutions? Here are four great reasons the solar industry is on the rise.

1. Affordability

Whether you run a giant business or manage a hectic, family-filled home, you're always trying to find ways to cut down on costs. After all, bills never stop, especially when it comes to energy. According to the United States Department of Energy, your electricity expenditure can account for as much as 50% of your residential bills. With solar panels, you can greatly reduce or eliminate those electrical bills entirely.

2. Sustainability

Are you concerned about the environment and your carbon footprint? If so, you join many other American homeowners and businesses that realize the impact of pollution and excessive energy use on our planet. With solar panels, people can offset such an impact and take steps to restore the health of the environment. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, American solar power offsets over 70 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, which has the same effect as planting 1.2 billion trees.

3. Dependability

Have you ever dealt with a power grid failure? At some point, you likely have, especially after a storm or an accident that may have caused a power line to go down. With a solar system, you won't have to worry about such an issue because the sun is always in the sky, even on cloudy days. As long as your solar panels are visible and capture the sun, you will always have an energy source in your home. If you're one of the many Americans who work from home, solar panels can provide a reliable way to charge your computers, phones, and other devices you need, seamlessly powering your daily routine.

4. Accessibility

Solar panels have never been more accessible to American homeowners! Solar panels are now available to homeowners of various income brackets and in many parts of the country. According to IBISWorld, 2024 has seen more solar contractors than ever, equipping home and business owners alike with the tools they need to go green. Additionally, many areas provide excellent tax and financial benefits for those who make the switch to more sustainable energy solutions.

Solar energy has gained popularity for many good reasons. It's reliable, clean, and helpful to the environment. Plus, as a homeowner, cost-effective solar solutions can benefit your household for years to come. To learn more about solar panels and to get started with our team, contact Urban Energy Solar today.

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